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Asteria Apothecary

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Regular price ₱55.00
Regular price Sale price ₱55.00
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Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Food Grade) is highly valued when it comes to skincare as it is an excellent moisturizer and softener. When applied topically, it penetrates and absorbs easily into the skin without clogging the pores. For this reason, it can be particularly useful for soothing various skin conditions such as psoriasis, blisters and sunburn, as well as dry and cracked skin.


Botanical Name Cocos nucifera
CAS No. 8001-31-8
Plant Part Coconut meat (Copra)
Method of Extraction First Cold-pressed
Processing Type | Grade Unrefined
Country of Origin Philippines
Common uses This oil is the preferred oil for direct use as an emollient on the skin and hair, and for its ability to impart lather to other oils in quality cold-processed soaps.
Color Colorless to yellowish
Consistency Thin, light liquid at higher temperatures; semi-solid to solid at cooler temperatures
Aromatic Scent Scent of coconut
Absorption Slow Absorption rate. May feel sticky or waxy before warming at body temperature, leaving a slight oily residue on the skin.

Shelf Life & Storage: Users can expect a shelf life of up to 2 years with proper storage conditions. It is recommended that cold pressed carrier oils be kept in a cool, dark place to maintain freshness and achieve maximum shelf life. If refrigerated, bring to room temperature before using. Keep oxygen out of the bottle and rebottle into smaller sizes as oil is used.

Contraindications & Safety: None known.

*The information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend consulting with a certified health practitioner before beginning use.
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